
Research Publications


Sustainable Finance & Economics

Kleimeier, S. and M. Viehs, 2021, Pricing Carbon Risk: Investor Preferences or Risk Mitigation?, Economics Letters 205, 109936.*

Ben-David, I., Y. Jang, S. Kleimeier and M. Viehs, 2021, Exporting Pollution: Where Do Multinational Firms Emit CO2? Economic Policy 36(107), 377-437. [Click here for free access to the complete article.]

Ben-David, I., Y. Jang, S. Kleimeier and M. Viehs, 2020, When Environmental Regulations Are Tighter at Home, Companies Emit More Abroad, in: Winston, A., A. McAfee, D. Disparte, Y. Mucharraz y Cano (eds), Climate Change: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review, HBR Insights Series - Leadership & Managing People, Harvard Business Review.

Contreras, M.G., J.W.B. Bos and S. Kleimeier, 2019, Self-Regulation in Sustainable Finance: The Adoption of the Equator Principles, World Development 122, 306-324.*


Syndicated Lending & Project Finance

Kleimeier, S. and M. Viehs, 2021, Pricing Carbon Risk: Investor Preferences or Risk Mitigation?, Economics Letters 205, 109936.*

Hoffmann, A. and S. Kleimeier, 2021, Financial Disclosure Readability and Innovative Firm's Cost of Debt, International Review of Finance 21, 699-713.

Hoffmann, A. and S. Kleimeier, 2021, How do Banks Finance R&D Intensive Firms? The Role of Patents in Overcoming Information Asymmetry, Finance Research Letters 38, 101485.

Hoffmann, A., S. Kleimeier, N. Mimiroglu and J. Pennings, 2019, The American Inventors Protection Act: A Natural Experiment on Innovation Disclosure and the Cost of Debt, International Review of Finance 19(3), 641-651.

Contreras, M.G., J.W.B. Bos and S. Kleimeier, 2019, Self-Regulation in Sustainable Finance: The Adoption of the Equator Principles, World Development 122, 306-324.*

Kleimeier, S. and S. Chaudhry, 2015, Cultural Distance and the Structure of Loan Syndicates, Finance Research Letters 15, 115-124.

Chaudhry, S. and S. Kleimeier, 2015, Lead Arranger Reputation and the Structure of Loan Syndicates, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 38, 116-126. Click here to link to audio slides.

Gatti, S., S. Kleimeier, W.L. Megginson and A. Steffanoni, 2013, Arranger Certification in Project Finance, Financial Management, Spring, 1-40.

Hainz, C. and S. Kleimeier, 2012, Political Risk, Project Finance, and the Participation of Development Banks in Syndicated Lending, Journal of Financial Intermediation 21(2), 287–314.

Kleimeier, S. and R. Versteeg, 2010, Project Finance as a Driver of Economic Growth in Low-Income Countries, Review of Financial Economics 19(2), 49-59.

Kleimeier, S. and W.L. Megginson, 2000, Are Project Finance Loans Different from Other Syndicated Credits?, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 13(1), 75-87.

Kleimeier, S. and W.L. Megginson, 1998, A Comparison of Project Finance in Asia and the West, in: L.H.P. Lang (ed.), Project Finance in Asia, Advances in Finance, Investment and Banking 6, Elsevier - North Holland, Amsterdam, 57-90.

Kleimeier, S., 1996, Restructuring the Public Sector: A Private Approach to Infrastructure Development, in: H. Sander, K.S. Kim, S. Foster, M.S.S. El-Namaki (eds.), Economic and Corporate Restructuring: Experiences and Challenges of the Decade, Lansa Publishing B.V., Leiderdorp, 185-203.

Kleimeier, S., 1995, Limited and Non-Recourse Project Finance: A Survey, Estudios de Administración 2 (Universidad de Chile), 27-67.


Household Finance & Economics

Broihanne, M.-H., D. Plotkina, S. Kleimeier, A. Göritz, and A. Hoffmann, 2024, How COVID-19 Illness Perceptions and Individual Shocks are Associated with Trust during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia, France, Germany, and South Africa. Health Policy, forthcoming.

Kleimeier, S., A. Hoffmann, A., M.-H. Broihanne, D. Plotkina and A. Göritz, 2023, Determinants of Individuals' Objective and Subjective Financial Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Banking and Finance 153, 106881.

Hoffmann A., D. Plotkina, M.-H. Broihanne, A. Göritz and S. Kleimeier, 2022, Differences in and Drivers of Mental, Social, Functional, and Financial Well-Being During COVID-19: Evidence from Australia, France, Germany, and South Africa. PLoS ONE 17(10), e0276077.

Dinh, T.H.T. and S. Kleimeier, 2007, A Credit Scoring Model for Vietnam’s Retail Banking Market, International Review of Financial Analysis 16, 471-495.


Banking Geography

Qi, S., S. Kleimeier and H. Sander, 2020, The Travels of a Bank Deposit in Turbulent Times: The Importance of Deposit Insurance Design for Cross-Border Deposits, Economic Inquiry, 58(2), 980-997.

Kleimeier, S., H. Sander and S. Qi, 2019, Deposit Insurance and Cross-Border Deposits in Times of Banking Crises, ifo DICE Report 17(1), Spring, 9-13.

Sander, H., S. Kleimeier and S. Heuchemer, 2016, The Resurgence of Cultural Borders during the Financial Crisis: The Changing Geography of Eurozone Cross-Border Depositing, Journal of Financial Stability 24, 12-26.

Sander, H., S. Kleimeier, and S. Heuchemer, 2013, E(M)U Effects in Global Cross-Border Banking, Economics Letters 118(1), 91-93.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2013, Les Activités Bancaires Transfromtalières de Détail: Un Aspect Méconnu de la Mondialisation Financière en Temps de Crise, Revue d’Economie Financiere 112 (December), 211-239.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2013, Cross-Border Retail Banking: Exploring the Unknown Financial Globalization in Times of Financial Crises, Credit and Capital Markets (Kredit und Kapital) 46 (2), 247–274.

Kleimeier, S., H. Sander and S. Heuchemer, 2013, Financial Crises and Cross-Border Banking: New Evidence, Journal of International Money and Finance 32, 884-915.

Heuchemer, S., S. Kleimeier and H. Sander, 2009, The Determinants of Cross-Border Lending in the Euro Zone, Comparative Economic Studies 51(4), 467-499.

Valkanov, E. and S. Kleimeier, 2007, The Role of Regulatory Capital in International Bank Mergers and Acquisitions, Research in International Business and Finance 21, 50-68.


Banking Market Integration & Monetary Policy

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2022, Twenty Years with the Euro: Eurozone Banking Market Integration Revisited, Economic Modelling 114, 105940.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2017, Banking Competition and Interest Rate Pass-Through, in: Bikker, J.A., L. Spierdijk, Handbook of Competition in Banking and Finance, Edward Elgar, 305-322.

Aziakpono, M., S. Kleimeier and H. Sander, 2012, Banking Market Integration in the SADC Countries: Evidence from Interest Rate Analyses, Applied Economics 44(29), 3857-3876.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2007, Integrating Europe’s Retail Banking Markets: Where Do We Stand?, CEPS Research Reports in Finance and Banking, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels, 15 October 2007.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2006, Interest Rate Pass-Through in the Common Monetary Area of the SACU Countries, South African Journal of Economics 74(2), 215-229.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2006, Expected Versus Unexpected Monetary Policy Impulses and Interest Rate Pass-Through in Eurozone Retail Banking, Journal of Banking and Finance 30(7), 1839-1870.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2006, Regional versus Global Integration of Eurozone Retail Banking Markets: Understanding the Recent Evidence from Price-Based Integration Measures, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 46(3), 353-368.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2006, Convergence of Interest Rate Pass-Through in a Wider Euro Zone?, Economic Systems 30(4), 405-423.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2005, Interest Rate Pass-Through in an Enlarged Europe: The Role of Domestic and Foreign Competition for Monetary Policy Transmission, Financieel Forum - Bank en Financiewezen / Forum Financier - Revue Bancaire et Financière 2, 106-113.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2004, Convergence in Eurozone Retail Banking? What Interest Rate Pass-Through Tells Us about Monetary Policy Transmission, Competition and Integration, Journal of International Money and Finance 23(3), 461-492.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2003, European Financial Market Integration: Evidence on the Emergence of a Single Eurozone Retail Banking Market, Research in Banking and Finance 3, 13-91.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2002, Asymmetric Adjustment of Commercial Bank Interest Rates in the Euro Area: An Empirical Investigation into Interest Rate Pass-Through, Kredit und Kapital 2, 161-192.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2002, Consumer Credit in the Eurozone: Evidence on the Emergence of a Single Eurozone Retail Banking Market, ECRI Research Report No. 2, European Credit Research Institute (ECRI), Brussels, January.

Kleimeier, S., 2001, Banking in Western Europe, in: M Warner (ed.), The International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management, 2nd edition, Thomson Learning, 2001, 421-429.

Kleimeier, S. and H. Sander, 2000, Regionalisation Versus Globalisation in European Financial Market Integration: Evidence from Co-Integration Analyses, Journal of Banking and Finance 24, 2000, 1005-1043.


Financial Market Integration & Contagion

Kleimeier, S., T. Lehnert and W. Verschoor, 2011, Contagion or Interdependence: Does the Speed of the Transmission of Shocks Matter?, in: R.W. Kolb (ed.), Financial Contagion: The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 37-44.

Kleimeier, S., T. Lehnert and W. Verschoor, 2008, Measuring Financial Contagion Using Time-Aligned Data: The Importance of the Speed of Transmission of Shocks, Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics 70(4), 493-508.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2003, Contagion and Causality: An Empirical Investigation of Four Asian Crisis Episodes, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 13(2), 171-186.

Kleimeier, S., 1999, International Portfolio Investment Strategies and the Changing Role of Emerging Markets, in: M.S.S. El-Namaki, R. Samson, R. Aidis, V. Moharir (eds.), Strategic Issues at the Dawn of a New Millennium, Lansa Publishing B.V., Leiderdorp, 127-158.


Corporate Governance & Restructuring

Jansen, K. and S. Kleimeier, 2004, Motives for Going Private in Germany, Finanzbetrieb 6, 457-470.

Kleimeier, S. and D.A. Whidbee, 2001, Do Shareholders Value Financial Transparency? Evidence from Germany, in: L. Nail (ed.), Research in International Business and Finance: Issues in International Corporate Control and Governance 15, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, 95-132.


Other Publications

Sander, H., J. Beckmann and S. Kleimeier, 2020, Editorial: Analyzing and Modelling Spillovers, Journal of Banking and Finance, Special Section on Financial Globalization and Its Spillovers, 113.

Aziakpono, M., R. Bauer and S. Kleimeier, 2014, Editorial: Financial Globalisation and Sustainable Finance: Implications for Policy and Practice, Journal of Banking and Finance 48, 137-306.

Sander, H. and S. Kleimeier, 2014, Introduction: Global Banking, Financial Stability, and Post-Crisis Policy Challenges Symposium, Comparative Economic Studies 56(2), 253-256.

Kleimeier, S., 1997, “On the Determinants of Bank Interest Margins Under Credit and Interest Rate Risk” by K.P. Wong, 1997, Journal of Banking and Finance 21, 251-271, digest published in: Contemporary Finance Digest 1, 1997, 69-70.

Kleimeier, S., 1990, “Financial Options: From Theory to Practice” by S. Figlewski, W.L. Silber, and M.G. Subrahmanyam, 1990, Business One, Irwin, IL, book review published in: Journal of Banking and Finance 16, 1990, 463-466.



(* indicates publications belonging to multiple topics)